Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Did It!

Woot! Woot! I am now a registered domain name owner! I have a business name! YAY! Now for a website...Babysteps & Money, that's all I need. All in time. After all, I've only been thinking about doing this for over a year. Bad Me!

In other news, I introduced the SO to Pinterest the other day. For about an hour after that all I heard was 'OMG! That is SO Cool! They are so smart!'
It was actually pretty funny. And I got a bunch more stuff on my decorating & baking boards.

Other news: "Hi" out there! Sorry this is so me-centric...and I don't expect you to come back (although you're more than welcome if you do!) I've been the clicker-through on other people's blogs. I completely get it.

There's a story tickling around in my brain somewhere...there's a man named Kimlet, or something close to that. See what happens!

I don't dare say "I'm going to try to update this more often", that seems to be the death of many, maybe once or twice a month would be nice. Although I seem to be an overachiever, so it may end up being more.

I can both point and curl my tongue, although pointing it takes a lot of effort. How about you?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Spiders and Spiders and Spiders, Oh My!

It all started the night that the electrical transformer box turned into a giant spider. I'd been seeing shadows of things flicker across my side vision for days. I guess it made me paranoid. Our kitchen window looks over the side yard - I'd be doing dishes, and a flash of something would ghost across the yard. I'd look up, but nothing would be there. Go outside to check. Just spiderwebs across the bushes. Nothing unusual. There have been more spiders out this year though.

Anyway. Giant spider. It really did happen, you know. I was driving home at dusk last week. The street I go down has a nice neighborhood on one side of it. The other side is just weeds and fence. You can't see behind the fence. The transformer box is on that side. As my car lights hit the box, I noticed it move. Yes, the entire box. I couldn't decide what it was – just my ghosting, or if it really was something, so I slowed down, maybe down to 20 miles an hour. Then I saw the legs. There's nothing quite so horrifying as the dance of a spider leg – that segmented, creeping wave in the air as it takes a step forward. I couldn't decide whether I should speed back up or slow down even further. I thought for sure my eyes were playing tricks on me – one of the weeds had gotten really tall; the wind was blowing it around. As I came closer yet, I saw the body. Now I knew I wasn't imagining it. I sped up and flew out of there – didn't think anything about that nice neighborhood.

A small girl went missing from there this week. The police are out in force; the neighborhood watch is on high alert. The news is saying that she's the youngest person to be reported missing this year – she's four.

That could be my little niece. I feel responsible, but who's going to believe a girl who's known for her imagination? It's not like I'm a trouble maker; I just tend to live in my head a lot. My parents are proud of me for joining a couple of clubs this year – they call it “coming out of my shell”. Yay for me. 

And the editor (me, in my other hat) says:

Our story so far: Our not-intrepid heroine sees things. Spiders (giant ones) in particular. A little girl went missing. She feels responsible, but who's going to believe in a giant spider?

What we need: A story. A name. Wherever is this going? We have a young, naïve sounding girl who sees stuff. So? Where's the hook? Why does she see stuff? What's with the giant spider? Well, we can see where the giant spider is going – back over that high fence!!! Ooooh. Scary stuff. We can see where the little girl is – back over that fence! Or with her mother – who ran away from her husband & is divorcing him. Nobody ever thinks of the easy solutions when there could be drastic ones instead!